Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bristol street art

Bristol, England, has a thriving street art community with more street artists (150) than any other city in Britain with the exception of London with 13 times the population. 
Banksy, Inky, 3D are some of the movement’s founders in Bristol. It is a significant art culture and has become part of Bristol’s identity and culture. 

In August 2011 Bristol attracted some of the world's top graffiti artists for an event titled 'See No Evil'. The drab, ugly 1960s buildings in Nelson Street were chosen to provide the artists with their concrete canvases.

With considerable foresight the Bristol Corporation and owners of the buildings backed the project. In a couple of days the street was transformed with some of the paintings five storeys high. 

 So the artwork will stay there for at least 12 months some may remain for much longer. But then street art is ephemeral - it's never therefore ever permanent. Watch the doco